Approving Time
Ext Calendar, Overtime, comp time, approving time off, approving timesheets
- How do I "acknowledge" extra time-based pay for employees working during breaks?
- How do I change the work schedule of an employee participating in summer flex time?
- How do schedules work?
- How do certificated administrators' timesheets work?
- How do I run a timekeeping report?
- Troubleshooting: How is Sick Leave for All (SLFA) requested, or retroactively entered, for eligible employees?
- How do I add overtime on the employee’s behalf?
- How do I enter stipends for staff I supervise?
- What are the common SACS Code-Related Exception Messages?
- How do I resolve exception messages? (Red or Yellow Timesheet Errors)
- Troubleshooting: How do I change the time-off type from one pay code to another (especially if leave banks are loaded retroactively)?
- How do I approve overtime entered by an employee?
- How do I reject a timesheet? What happens?
- How do I approve amended timesheets?
- How do I enter time for a group of employees?
- How do I edit an employee's timesheet?
- How do I revoke delegation?
- How do I delegate a timekeeper/back-up manager?