EMPowerSF is configured to pre-populate work days for all managers, including UASF members that fall under and outside of the traditional calendar (referred to in this document as “Regular/Principal Work Days”).
For employees working more than the <215 days of the traditional calendar, “additional work days necessary to complete the balance of the service days are to be scheduled by the employee, and approved by the employee’s supervisor.” The way this is operationalized in EMPowerSF is through the following:
- Do not enter any pay code or hours to show that you are working/worked on “Regular/Principal Work Days”. The system assumes you worked those days automatically.
- To request time off on a Regular/Principal work day, (sick, vacation, etc.), use the Request Time Off feature.
- If you, as a central administrator with a longer calendar year than principals, work on a NON Regular/Principal Work Day, you DO need to enter a pay code + hours on your timesheet.
- So, if you worked Dec. 27 - Dec. 30 (over winter break), you need to select the “Work” Pay Code on your timesheet AND enter in your hours (7.00).
- Effective July 2022, to show that you did NOT work on a Regular/Principal Work Day (Off Contract), use the Request Time Off menu and select “Non Service with Pay”. Your manager will then approve.
NOTE: Since EMPowerSF launched in the middle of the fiscal year 21-22, the non-service day banks will not be available for use. There will be no way to identify how many off-contract days are left for each employee. Managers must work with their direct reports to track remaining calendar days outside of EMPowerSF until June 30, 2022.
Administrators attempting to use it will see the following error: