The steps below mirror a 1.0 FTE school-term educator whose contractual day is 7.00 hours. The same steps apply to FTEs under 1.0, but scheduled daily hours may be different.
- Log into using your SFUSD Google account.
Click on the Time & Attendance tile to get to Workforce Time & Attendance.
- Under the Time Entry panel, click My Timesheet.
- As of June 21, 2023, certificated employees are now on exception-based pay, or auto-populated timesheets. An exception-based pay system assumes all scheduled hours are worked unless an exception is made, i.e. an absence, time off, or additional work hours beyond the schedule are entered in the timesheet. You will notice that Work (auto populated) is already on your timesheet, and those hours match your standard work hours & FTE as recorded in our official employee records. You may not change your FTE, or scheduled standard hours, without Human Resources and Budget approval.
- If you are entering additional hours, you can still locate the Pay Code field that corresponds to the correct. There will be a list of pay codes from you to choose from the dropdown menu. For additional work hours, select Work. Hours entered with this pay code will overwrite the auto-population. You must enter your contractual hours 7.00 + number of additional hours, i.e. 2.00, = 9.00 to generate two hours of extended hours.
- Click Save.
How do I enter my additional days of work as a Department Chair, Head Counselor, Athletic Director, or SPED Content Specialist?
There is a subset of Certificated UESF-represented employees that are in a separate calendar code as they work an additional five (5) days in addition to the teachers’ calendar. This includes the following job classifications:
- 0811-Dept Head / Classroom Teachers
- 0796-Head Counselor
- 0812-Athletic Director
- 0802-SPED Content Specialist
Even though the contract doesn’t specify when to work the days, past practice has always had the 5 days added to the end of the calendar year (June). This calendar is what was loaded into EMPowerSF in January of 2022, and timesheets will remain configured that way until the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
This means that in cases where part of the five (5) additional days were worked prior to the end of the school year, the employee and their supervisor/clerk will need to track the days manually and be sure that they are entered at the end of the year. The additional days fall on June 5 - June 9, 2023 of this academic year.
During this time, we are working with Labor, UESF, and LEAD to establish a consistent calendar and schedule for the aforementioned job classifications. Consistent with the driving principles of EMPowerSF, we must strive for transparent and accurate time reporting as it impacts contributions to STRS as well as taxes. In 2023-2024, there will be a more prescriptive schedule for when the five days are worked, as is the case with all other Certificated job classifications that work additional days beyond the school-term calendar. We will update this guidance then.