DifprePe stands for “Difference from Previous Pay Period.” This line item on a pay statement is used for retroactive payments to resolve previous pay cycle issues. It is generally found at the bottom of the “Hours and Earnings” section of your pay statement.
If you have a “DifprePe” line item on your pay statement, it is likely a result of:
- Timesheet amendments from previous pay periods
- Remediating an inaccurate stipend allocation
- Incorrect previous payments resulting from system error
- Changes in pay due to retroactive data entries (e.g., position data moves, system update changes, leaves changes, etc.)
- Deductions not accounted for in previous pay cycles
Do these examples below sound familiar to your situation? If so, this may explain your “DifprePe” line item.
- I typically add 40 hours to my timesheet on Monday so I know my time is recorded for the whole week. About a month ago, I added my 40 hours like usual, but I forgot we had a holiday on Friday. Two weeks later I noticed that my timesheet from that week actually had 48 hours, so I amended my timesheet, removing 8 hours of regular work on the holiday which already had 8 hours pre-coded for the holiday.
- One week, I completely forgot to do my timesheet! I remember that my supervisor was very busy that week, so they probably approved my group’s timesheets en masse, and we both missed that mine was blank. Luckily I caught it a few weeks later and resubmitted my timesheet with all the hours I worked.
- I recently got promoted and I’m really excited about my new role and my ability to make an impact at SFUSD. This new role comes with a pay increase, but HR wasn’t able to make my compensation change in the system in time for it to show up in my last pay check.
If you still have concerns related to DifPrePe payments relating to your paycheck, please submit a ticket athttps://sfusdhrandbusinessservices.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.